"What a day, a year, a life it is ..."
Congratulations to everyone who went out there, had an adventure, made memories and took the right decisions!
We will come back with more information on who finished which distance, and you will find an updated results list under the tracking site.
David Riiber (was the fastest man on the 150km (finishing in under 12h!)
Øyvind Rinbø won the men's category of the 100km distance.
Cole and Ryan from Canada came in "hand in hand" on the 50km!
Three ladies from Norway share the win of the 100km distance: Yvonne, Monica, Tone - they rode the whole distance together!
The GPX-files are ready for download.
You are yourself responsible for downloading the correct track(s), to make it/them visible on your device, to select and to follow the correct track.
Both the 100km track and the 150km track crosses itself and some sections are ridden in both directions. This is why the tracks are divided into sections. Please make sure you download all sections and follow them in the right order!
50km = one file
100km = two files
150km = four files
100km Geilo - Dagali - Geilo.
150km Geilo - Dagali - Dagali - Geilo
Sæterdalen/ Ossjøen (the lake) will be part of the 150km track again.
Bike rental 2025:
When renting a bike for the event 25th of January you automatically pay for three days = Friday to Sunday = 24th, 25th, 26th.
Add additional days if needed (for example for the training camp) to your shopping basket before checking out.
10 of the bikes come with studded tires (first come, first serve - bikes with studded tires go to the first ten people who book a bike).
Fat Viking training camp/ workshop 2025 (20th-22nd of January)
mandatory gear check and registration from 3pm - 7pm, Vestlia Resort, conference hall
(bring all mandatory gear EXCEPT bike, pogies, bike-lights, helmet - which will be checked Saturday 6.00-6.30)
Mandatory race meeting at 5pm, Vestlia Resort, conference hall.
Saturday 25th
Registration, bike-gear check, handing out GPS-tracking devices from 6am - 6.30am in the garage at Vestlia Resort.
START at 7am
FINISHER cut-off times 2025 (may be due to change)
FV150: 32h (finish before 15.00 (3pm) on Sunday)
FV100: 21h (finish before 4.00 (4am) on Sunday)
FV 50: 11h (finish before 18.00 (6pm) on Saturday)
Checkpoint cut-off times 2025
FV100 riders must arrive at CP1 before 17.00 (5pm) and must have left CP1 before 18.00 (6pm).
FV150 riders must arrive at CP1 before 17.00 (5pm) and must have left CP1 before 18.00 (6pm).
FV150 riders must arrive at CP2 before 2.00 (2am) and must have left CP2 before 3.00 (3am).
12.00 (12pm) CEREMONY for FV100 and FV150 at Vestlia Resort (either the restaurant or a conference room).
We encourage everybody to stay after the ceremony to eat or have a coffee at Vestlia

Have a look at Tor Hovland's recap of the FV2023 here:

FAT VIKING is a WINTER ULTRA ENDURANCE event under somewhat more "controlled" circumstances than the Iditarod Trail Invitational.
The race course runs on snowmobile tracks, dogsledding trails, snowcovered roads and cross country skiing trails around Geilo/ Skurdalen/ Dagali. Checkpoints are inside a heated building where basic food (oatmeal) is offered along with the opportunity to rest. Several "bail out options" along the route are available in case of emergency/ abandoning the race.
The route changes from year to year (mainly due to snow-conditions, but also to keep you on your toes and to show you more of the beautiful area).
Fat Viking is a non-commercial Geilo IL (Geilo Sports Club) event organized by the "FAT VIKING SOCIETY".
We organize this without getting payed. We do it for the love of the sport. Our effort is all worth it if YOU come back with a smile on your face, with an adventure behind you and a lot of stories to tell.
Please read the ABOUT information, the MANDATORY GEAR list and RACE RULES before entering.
Race distances 50km - 100km - 150km.
All distances start together.
The 50km distanse finishes at CP1 (we will find a way to transport riders back to Geilo).
If you register for the 150km/ 100km but only make it to CP1 we will still call you a "finisher" (an FV50 finisher). The same applies if you enter the 150km event but only ride the 100km distance. You will of course not count in any ranking or the competition itself.
This is a chance to prove to yourself that YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THOUGHT.
Please ask your questions in the Fat Viking Facebook group. If absolutely neccessary you can drop Nina a line (se contact details below).
To be a Viking or to become one. Human endurance and human resilience*. 150km of winter racing. A journey within yourself.
*(definition of resilience: "the power or ability to return to the original form, position, etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched)
Geilo Aktiv (Nina) arranges a training camp prior to the race (Monday to Wednesday). This is a course about safe and efficient winter travel where you learn and practice the essentials.
Join the 3-day training course if you want to learn more about winter riding
(pictures are taken by ANTTI OLLILA - race official)
2019 RACE RESULTS/ Tracking:
(picture by Mikkel Trelborg)